Complementary Therapist first qualified in 1995. is now excited to add EMMETT Technique to the therapies on offer as a stand alone therapy for Humans Qualified as an EMMETT Canine Practitioner in February 2019, and an Equine practitioner since June 2019 and short course tutor since 31st August 2019, I am a volunteer at a local animal sanctuary. I am the therapist for Cwmgors RFC where I use The EMMETT Technique alongside other therapies to give the players the best possible treatments. Please see my website for full details of all the therapies I offer I am also on Facebook. I have a relaxing therapy room far away from the hustle and bustle of the high street but will come to your home to treat your beloved pets in the comfort of their familiar surroundings.
I started my business, Ki Change (pronounced Key Change), to use the complementary therapies I have been trained in to help humans, horses, and house-hold pets to get ease from discomfort and improve movement in the body. The energy therapy aspect helps gain relaxation and relieve stress too.
I am an Advanced Human Practitioner for humans, Accredited EMMETT Practitioner for horses, Introductory Workshop Tutor, Reiki Master/Teacher in Usui Reiki, Reiki Master/Teacher in Karuna Reiki, and Angelic Reiki Practitioner.
I am a member of the Complementary Medical Association.